Diablo 4 Helm
Diablo 4 Chest Armor
Diablo 4 Gloves
Diablo 4 Pants
Diablo 4 Boots
Diablo 4 Weapon
Diablo 4 Amulet
Diablo 4 Ring
Diablo 4 Offhand
Diablo 4 Helm
[424-457] Maximum Life
[9-18] Life per 5 Seconds
[11-13]% Healing Received
[226-235] Armor
[8-16] Maximum Resource
[8.1- 8.8]% Cooldown Reduction
[7-8]% Lucky Hit Chance
[10-12]% Resistance to All Elements
[40-50]% Cold Resistance
[40-50]% Fire Resistance
[40-50]% Lightning Resistance
[40-50]% Poison Resistance
[40-50]% Shadow Resistance
[7-8]% Impairment Reduction
[276-285] Thorns
[107-121] Strength
[3-4] Fury per Second
[2-3] to Death Blow
[2-3] to Rupture
[2-3] to Steel Grasp
[2-3] to Mighty Throw
[1-2] to Weapon Mastery Skills
[107-121] Willpower
[3-4] Spirit per Second
[2-3] to Poison Creeper
[2-3] to Ravens
[2-3] to Wolves
[1-2] to Companion Skills
[107-121] Intelligence
[3-4] Essence per Second
[2-3] to Decrepify
[2-3] to Iron Maiden
[1-2] to Skeletal Warrior Mastery
[1-2] to Curse Skills
[107-121] Dexterity
[3-4] Energy per Second
[2-3] to Cold Imbuement
[2-3] to Poison Imbuement
[2-3] to Shadow Imbuement
[1-2] to Imbuement Skills
[107-121] Intelligence
[3-4] Mana per Second
[2-3] to Hydra
[2-3] to Ice Blades
[2-3] to Lightning Spear
[2-3] to Familiar
[1-2] to Conjuration Skills
Diablo 4 Chest Armor
Chest Armor
[424-457] Maximum Life
[9-18] Life per 5 Seconds
[11-13]% Healing Received
[226-235] Armor
[10-12]% Resistance to All Elements
[40-50]% Cold Resistance
[40-50]% Fire Resistance
[40-50]% Lightning Resistance
[40-50]% Poison Resistance
[40-50]% Shadow Resistance
[7-8]% Impairment Reduction
[276-285] Thorns
[107-121] Strength
[3-4] Fury per Second
[2-3] to Challenging Shout
[2-3] to Ground Stomp
[2-3] to Iron Skin
[2-3] to Rallying Cry
[1-2] to Defensive Skills
[107-121] Willpower
[3-4] Spirit per Second
[2-3] to Blood Howl
[2-3] to Cyclone Armor
[2-3] to Debilitating Roar
[2-3] to Earthen Bulwark
[1-2] to Defensive Skills
[107-121] Intelligence
[3-4] Essence per Second
[2-3] to Blood Mist
[2-3] to Bone Prison
[2-3] to Corpse Explosion
[1-2] to Macabre Skills
[1-2] to Golem Mastery
[107-121] Dexterity
[3-4] Energy per Second
[2-3] to Concealment
[2-3] to Dark Shroud
[2-3] to Poison Trap
[2-3] to Smoke Grenades
[1-2] to Subterfuge Skills
[107-121] Intelligence
[3-4] Mana per Second
[2-3] to Flame Shield
[2-3] to Frost Nova
[2-3] to Ice Armor
[2-3] to Teleport
[1-2] to Defensive Skills
Diablo 4 Gloves
[424-457] Maximum Life
Lucky Hit: Up to a 15% Chance to Heal [23- 49] Life
[226-235] Armor
[5-7]% Resource Cost Reduction
Lucky Hit: Up to a 15% Chance to Restore [42.5-45.8]% Primary Resource
[8.3-10]% Attack Speed
[7-8]% Critical Strike Chance
[8-10]% Lucky Hit Chance
[40-50]% Critical Strike Damage
[60-70]% Overpower Damage
[40-50]% Vulnerable Damage
[60-70]% Damage Over Time
Lucky Hit: Up to a [43.3-47.3]% Chance to Make Enemies Vulnerable for 2 Seconds
[10-12]% Resistance to All Elements
[40-50]% Cold Resistance
[40-50]% Fire Resistance
[40-50]% Lightning Resistance
[40-50]% Poison Resistance
[40-50]% Shadow Resistance
[1-2] to Core Skills
[107-121] Strength
[2-3] to Double Swing
[2-3] to Hammer of the Ancients
[2-3] to Rend
[2-3] to Upheaval
[2-3] to Whirlwind
[107-121] Willpower
[2-3] to Landslide
[2-3] to Lightning Storm
[2-3] to Pulverize
[2-3] to Shred
[2-3] to Stone Burst
[2-3] to Tornado
[107-121] Intelligence
[2-3] to Blight
[2-3] to Blood Lance
[2-3] to Blood Surge
[2-3] to Bone Spear
[2-3] to Sever
[1-2] to Skeletal Mage Mastery
[107-121] Dexterity
[2-3] to Barrage
[2-3] to Flurry
[2-3] to Penetrating Shot
[2-3] to Rapid Fire
[2-3] to Twisting Blades
[107-121] Intelligence
[2-3] to Fireball
[2-3] to Ice Shards
[2-3] to Chain Lightning
[2-3] to Charged Bolts
[2-3] to Incinerate
[2-3] to Frozen Orb
Diablo 4 Pants
[424-457] Maximum Life
[4-9] Life per 5 Seconds
[11-13]% Healing Received
[226-285] Armor
[5-6]% Dodge Chance
[10-12]% Resistance to All Elements
[40-50]% Cold Resistance
[40-50]% Fire Resistance
[40-50]% Lightning Resistance
[40-50]% Poison Resistance
[40-50]% Shadow Resistance
[7-8]% Impairment Reduction
[276-285] Thorns
[1-2] to Basic Skills
[107-121] Strength
[2-3] to Lunging Strike
[2-3] to Bash
[2-3] to Frenzy
[2-3] to Flay
[107-121] Willpower
[2-3] to Claw
[2-3] to Earth Spike
[2-3] to Maul
[2-3] to Storm Strike
[2-3] to Wind Shear
[107-121] Intelligence
[2-3] to Bone Splinters
[2-3] to Decompose
[2-3] to Hemorrhage
[2-3] to Reap
[1-2] to Skeletal Mage Mastery
[107-121] Dexterity
[2-3] to Blade Shift
[2-3] to Forceful Arrow
[2-3] to Heartseeker
[2-3] to Invigorating Strike
[2-3] to Puncture
[107-121] Intelligence
[2-3] to Arc Lash
[2-3] to Fire Bolt
[2-3] to Frost Bolt
[2-3] to Spark
Diablo 4 Boots
3 Max Evade Charges
Evade Grants 125% Movement Speed for 1.5 Seconds
Attacks Reduce Evade's Cooldown by 1.5 Seconds
[424-457] Maximum Life
[9-18] Life per 5 Seconds
[226-235] Armor
[5-6]% Dodge Chance
[12.5-18]% Movement Speed
[10-12]% Resistance to All Elements
[40-50]% Cold Resistance
[40-50]% Fire Resistance
[40-50]% Lightning Resistance
[40-50]% Poison Resistance
[40-50]% Shadow Resistance
[7-8]% Impairment Reduction
[107-121] Strength
[3-4] Fury per Second
[2-3] to Charge
[2-3] to Kick
[2-3] to Leap
[2-3] to War Cry
[1-2] Brawling Skills
[107-121] Willpower
[3-4] Spirit per Second
[2-3] to Boulder
[2-3] to Hurricane
[2-3] to Rabies
[2-3] to Trample
[1-2] to Wrath Skills
[107-121] Intelligence
[3-4] Essence per Second
[2-3] to Bone Spirit
[2-3] to Corpse Tendrils
[1-2] to Skeletal Warrior Mastery
[1-2] to Corpse Skills
[107-121] Dexterity
[3-4] Energy per Second
[2-3] to Caltrops
[2-3] to Dance of Knives
[2-3] to Dash
[2-3] to Shadow Step
[1-2] to Agility Skills
[107-121] Intelligence
[3-4] Mana per Second
[2-3] to Ball Lightning
[2-3] to Blizard
[2-3] to Firewall
[2-3] to Meteor
[1-2] to Mastery Skills
Diablo 4 Amulet
30% Resistance to All Elements
[424-457] Maximum Life
[219-284] Life per 5 Seconds
Lucky Hit: Up to a 15% Chance to Heal [23- 49] Life
[44.9-48.4]% Total Armor
[8-16] Maximum Resource
[5-7]% Resource Cost Reduction
[8.1- 8.8]% Cooldown Reduction
[12.5-18]% Movement Speed
[32-35]% Damage
[8.3-10]% Attack Speed
[7-8]% Critical Strike Chance
[7-8]% Lucky Hit Chance
Lucky Hit: Up to a [43.3-47.3]% Chance to Make Enemies Vulnerable for 2 Seconds
[10-12]% Resistance to All Elements
[40-50]% Cold Resistance
[40-50]% Fire Resistance
[40-50]% Lightning Resistance
[40-50]% Poison Resistance
[40-50]% Shadow Resistance
[11.5-15.7]% Strength
[1-2] Fury on Kill
[1-2] to Brute Force
[1-2] to Counteroffensive
[1-2] to Cut to the Bone
[1-2] to Duelist
[1-2] to Heavy Handed
[1-2] to No Mercy
[1-2] to Pit Fighter
[1-2] to Slaying Strike
[11.5-15.7]% Willpower
[1-2] Spirit on Kill
[1-2] to Call of the Wild
[1-2] to Clarity
[1-2] to Crushing Earth
[1-2] to Defiance
[1-2] to Envenom
[1-2] to Heightened Senses
[1-2] to Natural Disaster
[1-2] to Nature's Reach
[1-2] to Quickshift
[1-2] to Resonance
[1-2] to Toxic Claws
[1-2] to Wild Impulses
[11.5-15.7]% Intelligence
[1-2] Essence on Kill
[1-2] to Amplify Damage
[1-2] to Coalesced Blood
[1-2] to Compound Fracture
[1-2] to Death's Embrace
[1-2] to Evulsion
[1-2] to Fueled by Death
[1-2] to Gloom
[1-2] to Hellbent Commander
[1-2] to Imperfectly Balanced
[1-2] to Terror
[1-2] to Tides of Blood
[11.5-15.7]% Dexterity
[1-2] Energy on Kill
[1-2] to Alchemical Advantage
[1-2] to Unstable Elixirs
[1-2] to Deadly Venom
[1-2] to Exploit
[1-2] to Frigid Finesse
[1-2] to Impetus
[1-2] to Malice
[1-2] to Precison Imbuement
[1-2] to Trap Mastery
[1-2] to Weapon Mastery
[11.5-15.7]% Intelligence
[1-2] Mana on Kill
[1-2] to Primordial Binding
[1-2] to Elemental Dominance
[1-2] to Endless Pyre
[1-2] to Devouring Blaze
[1-2] to Glass Cannon
[1-2] to Hoarfrost
[1-2] to Icy Touch
[1-2] to Inner Flames
[1-2] to Permafrost
[1-2] to Shocking Impact
Diablo 4 Ring
12.5% All Resistances
12.5% Cold Resistance
12.5% Cold Resistance
12.5% Fire Resistance
12.5% Lightning Resistance
12.5% Poison Resistance
12.5% Shadow Resistance
[424-457] Maximum Life
[219-284] Life per 5 Seconds
Lucky Hit: Up to a 15% Chance to Heal [23-49] Life
[5-7]% Resource Cost Reduction
[32-35]% Damage
[8.3-10]% Attack Speed
[6]% Critical Strike Chance
[6]% Lucky Hit Chance
[40-50]% Critical Strike Damage
[60-70]% Overpower Damage
[40-50%] Vulnerable Damage
[60-70]% Damage Over Time
Lucky Hit: Up to a [43.3-47.2]% Chance to Make Enemies Vulnerable for 2 Seconds
[10-12]% Resistance to All Elements
[40-50]% Cold Resistance
[40-50]% Fire Resistance
[40-50]% Lightning Resistance
[40-50]% Poison Resistance
[40-50]% Shadow Resistance
[107-121] Strength
[1-2] Fury on Kill
[107-121] Willpower
[1-2] Spirit on Kill
[107-121] Intelligence
[1-2] Essence on Kill
[107-121] Dexterity
[1-2] Energy on Kill
[107-121] Intelligence
[1-2] Mana on Kill
Diablo 4 Weapon
1h Sword: 57.4% Critical Strike Damage
2h Sword: 114.8% Critical Strike Damage
1h Axe: 20% Damage Over Time
2h Axe: 40% Damage Over Time
1h Mace: 196.3% Overpower Damage
2h Mace: 392.7% Overpower Damage
Polearm: 114.8% Vulnerable Damage
Dagger: 20% Damage to Close Enemies
Bow: 114.8% Critical Strike Damage
Crossbow: 114.8% Vulnerable Damage
1h Scythe: 20% Summoning Damage
2h Scythe: 40% Summoning Damage
Wand: 57.3% Vulnerable Damage
Staff: 40% Damage Over Time
Quarterstaff: 45% Block Chance
Glaive: 63% Damage to Elites
[424-457] Maximum Life
Lucky Hit: Up to a 15% Chance to Heal [23- 49] Life
Lucky Hit: Up to a 15% Chance to Restore [42.5-45.8]% Primary Resource
[32-35]% Damage
[40-50]% Critical Strike Damage
[60-70]% Overpower Damage
[40-50%] Vulnerable Damage
[60-70]% Damage Over Time
[107-121] Strength
[3-5] Fury on Kill (2H Only)
[13-18.2]% Resource Cost Reduction (2H Only)
[107-121] Willpower
[3-5] Spirit on Kill (2H Only)
[13-18.2]% Resource Cost Reduction (2H Only)
[107-121] Intelligence
[3-5] Essence on Kill (2H Only)
[13-18.2]% Resource Cost Reduction (2H Only)
[107-121] Dexterity
[3-5] Energy on Kill (2H Only)
[13-18.2]% Resource Cost Reduction (2H Only)
[107-121] Intelligence
[3-5] Mana on Kill (2H Only)
[13-18.2]% Resource Cost Reduction (2H Only)
Diablo 4 Offhand
Offhand: 10% Lucky Hit Chance
[424-457] Maximum Life
Lucky Hit: Up to a 15% Chance to Heal [23- 49] Life
[8-16] Maximum Resource
[5-7]% Resource Cost Reduction
Lucky Hit: Up to a 15% Chance to Restore [42.5-45.8]% Primary Resource
[8.1- 8.8]% Cooldown Reduction
[32-35]% Damage
[7-8]% Critical Strike Chance
[7-8]% Lucky Hit Chance
[107-121] Willpower
[1-2] Spirit on Kill
[107-121] Intelligence
[1-2] Essence on Kill
[107-121] Intelligence
[1-2] Mana on Kill
Diablo 4 Shield
20% Block Chance
45% Blocked Damage Reduction
80% Main Hand Weapon Damage
98 Thorns
[424-457] Maximum Life
[9-18] Life per 5 Seconds
[226-235] Armor
[11.5-15.7]% Damage Reduction
[32-35]% Damage
[7-8]% Critical Strike Chance
[10-12]% Resistance to All Elements
[40-50]% Cold Resistance
[40-50]% Fire Resistance
[40-50]% Lightning Resistance
[40-50]% Poison Resistance
[40-50]% Shadow Resistance [7-8]% Impairment Reduction
[276-285] Thorns
[107-121] Intelligence
[1-2] Essence on Kill